I was at the beach with my two kids. They ventured out into the water and found a sand cave. It was under the surface but was protected by a domed ceiling of sand. It was dry inside, no water at all.
I went looking for them and found them in the sand cave playing and happy as could be. The light in the cave had a slight yellow tint and was enough to see with but not the radiant sun just outside the cave. There were a couple of other kids in there and their dad, all just doing their own thing but all enjoying themselves.
I looked up and knew the sand ceiling wouldn’t last and we had to get out soon. When I looked around I couldn’t see the way out. There was no opening all around the edge of the dome. I turned to the other dad and asked him to watch my kids, that I was going to find the way out and get some help.
I went to where I thought I came in, took a deep breath, then plunged into the water. I swam hard and with a purpose until I found a small little opening into the open ocean. I kicked hard and pushed my way through until the yellow light of the cave had disappeared and fresh light was above me. I went straight up, broke the surface and took in a deep breath.
When I did I could feel it happening. The cave ceiling collasped and my kids and the guy and his two kids were killed. All that could go through my mind was, “I shouldn’t have left, I should have been in there with my kids.” Then I woke up.